Bean Head
Instagram: @bean.head
Amber Forde - known as ‘bean head’ is a multi-media artist born and raised in Cardiff.
Forde runs an online shop through Instagram, where she specialises in custom clothing, painting and illustration. Her work touches on the exploration of her Bajan and Welsh background and how
she navigates through the world using humour with a hint of fashion. Many of Forde’s work features colourful ‘bean’ like babies in which she refers to as her children.
Each one possesses its own characteristics allowing them to really take on a life of their own, as independent beans.
Amber is currently working as a graphic designer for @quakedigital (on Instagram) and is hoping
to expand her business over the coming years.
Mae Amber Forde – neu ‘bean head’ – yn artist aml-gyfrwng o Gaerdydd. Mae'n rhedeg siop trwy instagram, sy'n arbenigo mewn dillad, paentiadau a darluniau. Yn llawer o'i gwaith mae'n edrych i'w hunaniaeth Bajan a Chymreig am ysbrydoliaeth, yn ogystal ag i’r ffyrdd mae hi'n ymwneud â'r byd gyda hiwmor a synnwyr o ffasiwn.
Mae babanod lliwgar ffa-aidd yn bresenoldeb cyson yn ei gwaith; mae'n cyfeirio at rhain fel ei phlant. Mae gan bob un nodweddion unigryw sy'n eu galluogi i fagu bywydau ei hunain, fel 'beans' annibynnol.
Ar hyn o bryd, mae Amber yn gweithio fel dylunydd graffeg i @quakedigital (ar instagram) ac yn gobeithio ehangu ei busnes dros y blynyddoedd nesaf.