Beth Blandford (she/her) was born and grew up in Cardiff. Her work centres around concepts of space: our physical and mental space, the space we steal, give, inherit, choose to inhabit, and what this says about us, about who we want to be and who we want the world to think we are. Feminism and the wider conversations set the foundation for her illustrations and influence the characters she includes in her work. Beth has been commissioned by the BBC, chosen for Mona Chalabi’s ‘Who Are You Here To See?’ exhibition, and over the past year worked with Gentle/Radical and multiple times with Creative Cardiff. She is confirmed to study her MA at Camberwell College of the Arts in London this year.
Cafodd Beth Blandford (hi/ei) ei geni a'i magu yng Nghaerdydd. Mae ei gwaith yn ymwneud â chysyniadau o ofod: ein gofod corfforol a meddyliol, y gofod rydym yn ei ddwyn, ei roi, ei etifeddu, neu’n penderfynu ei hawlio – a'r hyn gall gofod ddweud amdanom, am sut hoffwn fod a sut hoffwn i'r byd ein gweld. Mae ffeministiaeth a disgyrsau eang yn gosod sail i lawer o'i darluniadau a'r cymeriadau maent yn eu cynnwys. Ymhlith comisiynau diweddar Beth mae'r BBC ac arddangosfa 'Who Are You Here to See?' Mona Chalabi, a dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf mae wedi gweithio tipyn gyda Gentle/Radical a Caerdydd Creadigol. Mae hi ar fin mynd i astudio ar gyfer MA yn y Camberwell College of Art yn Llundain.